Automatically Opening Grab Bucket

Daw Mill Mineshaft Cover

London Sewage Treatment Works – Access Steelwork
A key part of this work has been the bending and fabrication of all the structural steel for the project, nearly 100 elegant but extremely strong arches made specifically to fit inside the tunnel.

Hinkley Sewage Treatment Works – Hand Railing

New Weir Gate Refurbishment

Paris Philharmonic Structural steelwork

Erith Cycle/footbridge Steel Bridge
ECS Engineering Services has been entrusted with the task of replacing all the hand railing at the Hinckley site in Leicestershire.

Foss Barrier Fabricated Steel Frame

Pleasely Bridge Improves Activity Centre Access

Custom steel stillage pallets for Sellafield nuclear site

Tank & pump skid supports Sellafield demolition project
ECS has provided the 100 tonne fabricated steel frame for the pump hall, plus a further 30 tonnes of steelwork for the Control Room
ECS Engineering Services has delivered a turnkey project for a footbridge that will provide much improved access to an outdoor activity centre.
To support decommissioning operations at Sellafield in Cumbria, ECS Engineering Services has fabricated two custom steel stillage pallets for a Tier 1 contractor providing equipment for the project.
ECS Engineering Services has supported a challenging chimney demolition project at Sellafield.

Modular test rig structure at nuclear power station

ECS fabricates shielded overpacks for nuclear decommissioning
ECS Engineering Services has supported a major nuclear industry client by manufacturing and installing a large access platform and screening panels for a test rig.
Continuing its support of the nuclear industry with bespoke fabrications, ECS Engineering Services has produced 50 shielded overpacks for Magnox Ltd.

Flap Valve

Rotary Sluices

Tilting Sluice

Flap Valve install
Supply and install a 3 tonne flap valve and frame and grout to the headwall.

Lock Upgrade

Mooring Stages

Mill Beck Flood Defence Scheme

Weed Screens
ECS designed, fabricated and installed a hydraulically operated set of relief paddles that were integrated into the existing lock gate structure and assembled as a single constituent part.

Automated Weed Screen

Romney and Marlow Lock gates

Colwick Sluice Semi – automated Stoplog Deployment system

Lumley Mill Penstock
The EA brought in ECS Engineering Services to deliver an improved, more reliable solution which would reduce maintenance costs and provide an automated weedscreen solution.

Skellyton Archimedes Screw Pump Refurbishment

Frisby Fish Belly Gate

Parrent Sowy Tilting Wier

Lukes Point Archimedes Screw Pump replacement
The task of replacing the bottom bearings and re-screeding the concrete trough was completed by ECS Engineering Services, which is supported by the pump manufacturer Landustrie.

Hardman Fish and Eel passes

Romney Lock Gates

Marlow Gates

Old Windsor Radial wier Gates
Part of the programme involves the installation of fish and eel passes on river structures such as weirs and sluices which can restrict their migratory path.

Stroud Lift Bridge

Mapledurham FRP Bridge

Caversham Weir Sluice gates and Eel pass

Mansfield Archimedes Screw Pump replacement
ECS Engineering Services has completed a complex, turnkey project to manufacture and install a new lifting road bridge over a canal that will increase the navigable length of the canal whilst also improving heavy goods access to local businesses.

Peakirk Improved Flood Defences

Peakirk Mitre Gates


Cookham Weir Gates
ECS Engineering Services has delivered a full renovation of Peakirk pumping station on the River Welland on behalf of the Environment Agency, Work carriedout has included the refurbishment of the station’s pointing doors; the installation of an adjustable stoplog and automated weed screen; a renovation of the pumping station plus an inspection and overhaul of existing pumps on-site.

Romney Weir Radial Gates

Keadby Weedscreen

Candy Farm Weed Screen Cleaner

Kytra Lockgates replacement
ECS Engineering Services has continued its work on the Environment Agency’s Romney Weir by fabricating nine radial gates for use at the facility.

Foss Barrier Fabricated Steel Frame

Shardlow Pumping station upgrade

Trent Soar Outfall

Shield Hall Archimedes screw pumps
ECS has provided the 100 tonne fabricated steel frame for the pump hall, plus a further 30 tonnes of steelwork for the Control Room.

Automated Weed Cleaner Witham
The two Archimedes screws at the inlet works have proven the durability of this pump type. These essential pieces of plant each measure 20 metres in length, 3.1 metres in diameter and weigh 21 tonnes with a 3645 litres per second capacity.
A new Landustrie weed screen cleaner installed by ECS Engineering Services at the Short Ferry pumping station on the River Witham

Tipping trays

Maintenance Services foir NICMM

Matlock Pump Station Refurbishment

Improving Pumping Efficiency with new Landustrie Pump
ECS Engineering Services were commissioned by one of the largest water utilities in the UK to provide automated washdown facilities for storm channels at a rural site.

River Rhee Pumping Station

Repainting Colwick sluice

ECS Engineering Services, Health and Safety Video

A Winning Mine Water pump upgrade
This project covered five pumps, kiosks and motor control centres (MCCs) had reached the end of their service life and were identified for replacement.

Temple Lock refurbishment
The project included replacement of the lock gate sluice valves, and timber fenders as well as installation of two new access ladders and refurbishment of the lock doors themselves.

Rickmansworth Recycled Plastic Footbridge

Kiora FRP Footbridge

Candy Farm Automated Trash Cleaner

Romney Wier Radial gates
ECS Engineering Services, was tasked with removing the existing footbridge and installing the new maintenance-free bridge designed and manufactured by ECS from recycled plastic and a steel sub-frame.

FRP Bridges River Brent

Deployable Bridges Scottish Canals

Pumping Station Rebuild Witham
ECS Engineering Services has installed a public access bridge in Greenford, West London, as part of the River Brent Project regeneration scheme.
ECS Engineering Services has supplied three Bailey-type bridges to Scottish Canals for use as temporary crossings
ECS Engineering Services has rebuilt the front façade of the main hall of Short Ferry Water Pumping Station on the River Witham